Download : MobileNews (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno Jumat, 19 November 2010 0 komentar

this is fantastic template with a very professional design, search box, two nice navigation bar, slideshow, header image ready.

* Mobiles Blogger Templates
* Red color, Black Background.
* Fixed width, Right sidebar.
* This template Mobiles blogs
* 3 column, 1 sidebar

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Download : iShowcase (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

this is professional template with a cool design, top navigation bar, search box, 4 columns.

* This template for photography blogs
* Gallery Blogger Templates
* Black color, Dark Background.
* Fixed width, Right sidebar.
* 4 column, 1 sidebar

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Add Tweet Box to Blogger

Posted by tris tecno Rabu, 17 November 2010 0 komentar

It has been a long time since @Twitter released the @AnyWhere Developer Tool. AnyWhere allows you to seamlessly integrate Twitter into your site using a few lines of JavaScript. You can read more about it at  @AnyWhere Developer Page. Tweet Box is one such @AnyWhere Application, which allows you to add a 140 char Tweet Box onto your blog.

Here is a screen shot of how the Tweet box appear on my Previous Post.

Hope that now you got a good idea of how this works, If not scroll down to the bottom of the post and see it in live action :)

How to add the Tweet Box on a Blogger Blog?

1. Go to the @AnyWhere Developers Page and create an Application there with your blog details.

Make Sure that you have checked the Read & Write Option when you Register your Application

2.When you complete the signup process, you will get some JavaScript codes, with a unique API Key

Copy out the JavaScript from there(the code in the red box) as shown in this Screenshot.

3.Now Login to your Blogger Dashboard and navigate to the Edit HTML Tab under Design and “Expand your Widget Templates
4.Look for

and paste the copied Twitter JavaScript just above that line and save the template. 
5.Now look for 

and immediately below that paste the following JavaScript Code and save your template. (Editable parts are shown in red) 

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

<div id='bp_tweetBox'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>


twttr.anywhere(function (T) {


width: 560,

label: &quot;Share the L&#10084;ve  &amp; Retweet&quot;,

defaultContent: &quot;RT @bloggerplugins <data:post.title/>&quot;+&quot; &quot;+bp_tweet_link




Now you should see the Tweet Box on all of your post pages
Currently, this doesn’t do any URL shortening . You can expect that
it my next post. I will  also try to post about the other @AnyWhere
features soon :)

Download : Drakon (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno Selasa, 16 November 2010 0 komentar

this is a professional template with amazing look, two navigation bar, slidshow ready, 4 columns at footer..

* Colorful color, Dark Background.
* Fixed width, Right sidebar.
* Professional Blogger Templates
* This template for most blogs
* 2 column, 1 sidebar

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Download : arthemia modifyed (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

As You all know, Arthemia is one of the most popular template in the blogosphere, even it is blogger or WP.So, The Designer of this theme had updated this for many times, based on the new trends and style.But what about it’s Blogger Version ? It stands still in its older version, Which is not at all a professional one.So, I decided to make a new version of this theme, based on the current WP theme, Which inclucdes all the special widets like featured-post, middle catogary bar etc., which where not there on it’s older versions.

The new theme also had got the style and simplicity of the theme and much more.I had done my best on converting this.So, I can surely say that it’s jut as the wordpress theme michel created.

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Download : Bubbles (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

this is a very good template with amazing slideshow, top navigation bar, vector background..

* Magazine Blogger Templates
* This template for magazine blogs
* Dark color, Red Background.
* Fixed width, Right sidebar.
* 2 column, 1 sidebar

Live Demo : Click Here

Download : 

Download : Premium Gallery (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

this is amazing theme with a cool navigation bar, 5 columns, 3 footer columns..

* Photography Blogger Templates
* Red color, Gray Background.
* Fixed width, No sidebar.
* 2 column, No sidebar
* This template for photography blogs

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

How to enable nofollow links on intense debate comments

Posted by tris tecno Senin, 15 November 2010 0 komentar

Among the two popular commenting system Intense Debate was there, with millions of users. Intense Debate comments basically looks good with cool features and plugins. However, there is a little drawback in the commenting system and that is lack of nofollow option. Since spammers take advantage of dofollow comments blog for a link back, why do we need to give a backlink for a spammer? Literally you shouldn’t allow that. So, here is a little tweak to make both the avatar link and the link that comes inside the comment box nofollow.

To disable nofollow links, I am using the script made by Thaya Kareeson using his jQuery code to add nofollow to external links. Download this javascript and upload this on your own server. If you dont have your own server, you can use my link.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

For WordPress – Go to footer.php and paste the code before </body> and save it
For Blogger – Go to Edit Html and paste the code before </body> at the end of the template and save it.

Best Social Bookmarking Widget For Blogger

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

Blogging without social bookmarking is pretty hard to gain quality traffic and here I am going to teach you how to add a beautiful social bookmarking widget for blogger/blogspot blogs. This widget comes with essential bookmarking icons such as Tweetmeme button, Google Buzz, Facebook share, Digg and lots more. You also can add some more social bookmarking button to your needs. So lets get into the installation part on your blogger blogs. Before you could start the process, back your template.

Step 1: Login in to your Blogger dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML and check on Expand Widget Templates.Search for the code  ]]></b:skin> and replace it with the below code

/* The share box container */
margin:60px auto;


/* The image on the right */
background:url( no-repeat 50% 50%;

/* This is where the animation takes place */

border-right:1px solid #DDDDDD;




/* This class is assigned to every share button */
margin:20px 0 0 10px;

/* Positioned inside the .btn container */


.thanksto a,.thanksto a:visited{

/* Customizing the facebook share button */

span.fb_share_no_count {

span.fb_share_count_top.fb_share_no_count {


span.fb_share_no_count span.fb_share_count_inner {
background:#3B5998 url( no-repeat scroll 20px 5px;

Step 2: Now at this step we will adding the share button within the CSS style. Search for the code and replace it with the below code

 Step 3: Save your template and check for changes. If you find any issues with installation, drop in your comments.

add a header with opacity using jquery for blogger

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

When I was looking for my next blog post, I came around a website, which has an opacity header in fixed position. The next thing came in my mind was to come make that same feature happen in Blogger. So to make that happen I used opacity script developed by David Walsh and I modified the script to make it work on Blogger platform. This tutorial will let you to add a header with opacity using jQuery and you can its easily editable to add more options within this feature and before heading into the tutorial, take a backup of your template. So here we go.

Step 1: Login to your Blogger dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML. Now check the “Expand Widget Templates” and searc
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
(function() {
var fadeSpeed = 200, fadeTo = 0.5, topDistance = 30;
var topbarME = function() { $(&#39;#opacitybar&#39;).fadeTo(fadeSpeed,1); }, topbarML = function() { $(&#39;#opacitybar&#39;).fadeTo(fadeSpeed,fadeTo); };
var inside = false;
$(window).scroll(function() {
position = $(window).scrollTop();
if(position &gt; topDistance &amp;&amp; !inside) {
//add events
inside = true;
else if (position &lt; topDistance){
inside = false;
h for the code <head> and replace it with the below code
In this step you can remove the jQuery script, if you have already initialized it on your blog.
Step 2: Now we are going to add the CSS code, which is responsible for appearing the opacity header on the top. So search for the code ]]></b:skin> and replace it with the below code

#opacitybar {
border-bottom:1px solid #ECF1EF;
padding:10px 20px;

Here you can change the color of the header bar by changing the background value.
Step 3: At this stage, we are heading to insert the functions to be visible on the header bar. So here I inserted basic navigation link to be seen inside the header bar, but this can be changed according to your own ideas. Search for the code <div id=’header-wrapper’> and replace the below code before <div id=’header-wrapper’>

<div id='opacitybar'>
<a href='#'>My Projects</a> |
<a href='#'>Freebies</a> |
<a href='#'>Tutorials</a> |


Save the template, to see the changes. If you have any troubles in making it work on Blogger platform, drop in your comments.

How To Add Facebook Comment Box To Blogger

Posted by tris tecno Minggu, 14 November 2010 0 komentar

Facebook comment box is one of the useful tool for bloggers to increase conversations. Recently Facebook has launched many social plugins for bloggers and web developers and one such is improved Facebook comment box. So here in this post I will teach you how to add/integrate Facebook comment box to blogger in simple steps. Before getting into the process I recommend you to back up your template and previous comments in blogger wont be visible if you use Facebook commenting system.

Step 1: Visit Facebook developer page and enter your blog name, URL and click on Create application.

Now copy the App ID and save it in a notepad

Step 2: Login to you Blogger dashboard and navigate to Layout > Edit HTML and check on Expand Widget Templates. Search for the code <data:post.body/> or <div class=’post-header-line-1′/> and paste the code below <data:post.body/> or <div class=’post-header-line-1′/> and save the template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<p align='left'><img alt='' class='icon-action' src=''/></p>
<div id='fb-root'/>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
FB.init({appId: &#39;APPID&#39;, status: true, cookie: true,
xfbml: true});
(function() {
var e = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol +
e.async = true;

Change the APPID on the code with your APP ID provided from Facebook and save the template.
Step 3: Now you need to hide default blogger commenting system. So navigate to Settings > Comments and select hide and save settings.

Live Demo
Note: Using Facebook Comments will hide your blogger comments. So use this comment box wisely.

Download : Work-a-Holic (Blogger templates)

Posted by tris tecno Sabtu, 13 November 2010 0 komentar
Work-a-holic is a free minimalistic two and three column blogger theme that focuses mainly on showcasing portfolios for artists, web designers, photographers and illustrators.And really it is the best theme you would have ever used on blogger.Theme is fully automatic in functionality.No need to take pains in posting , just post as you were you doing before.The template is especially made for photo blogs.The template is completely in magazine style with all blog features working in it including pages by blogger.Three column footer has also been built to give you extra space to add widgets for homepage.

Features Of The Template

  • Featured Section
  • Twitter Widget
  • Fixed Width Template
  • Three Column Blogger Template
  • Right Sidebar
  • Menu Links
  • Three column Footer
  • Magazine Style
  • Photoblog
  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

Demo : Click Here

Links to download :

Download : Photo Gallery (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

It’s elegant gallery template with nice header image, top navigation bar, 3 footer columns..

* Magazine Gallery Blogger Templates
* Fixed width, No sidebar.
* This template for magazine blogs
* Colorful color, White Background.
* 3 column, No sidebar

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Download : Platinum Theme (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno Rabu, 10 November 2010 0 komentar

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

How To Add Short URLs To Your Blogger Posts with

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

Having a Shorter Version of your Blog Post’s URL is much useful especially when sharing links with others. For example Take a look at this Link . If you visit that link, you will end up right back here. This URL shortening was done with the Help of the API. is one of the most reliable URL shortening services on the Web. Wordpress has got its own URL shortener namely If you are interested in providing Short Sharable URLs of your Blogger Posts to your readers, then read on. Demo is present on the post page.

Template Tweaking to Add the  Short URLs

  1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard and navigate to Design > Edit HTML
  2. Click on the Check Box which says “Expand Widget Templates.
  3. Locate
    and add the following JavaScript Snippet just above that
    <script charset='utf-8' src=';login=tweettrackjs&amp;apiKey=R_7e9987b2fd13d7e4e881f9cbb168f523' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
  4. Now Locate
    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
    Or if that is not there then find
    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
    Or if that is not there then find
    and place the  following code  just below any of these lines[whichever is present in your template].
    <div id='bp_shorturl'>
    <form expr:id='"bp_short_holder_" +'/></div>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
Save the changes and now you should See a Sharable Short URL below each of your posts .If you want to tweak further, then read on.

Optional Tweaks

1.Styling the Share Link
Locate the following line in your template

and just above that line add

#bp_shorturl {




#bp_shorturl input {


border:inset 1px #CDCDCD;

padding:1px 5px;

and save.

2. Display the Short Link on Post Pages Only
If you want to restrict the Short URLs to your post pages, then wrap the codes mentioned in Steps 1 and 4 within Conditional tags like :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

<script charset='utf-8' src=';login=tweettrackjs&amp;apiKey=R_7e9987b2fd13d7e4e881f9cbb168f523' type='text/javascript'/>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

<div id='bp_shorturl'>

<form expr:id='"bp_short_holder_" +'/></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>



3. If you have your own Bit.Ly Login and API key, then you can replace them in the code of Step 1(tweettrackjs and R_7e9987b2fd13d7e4e881f9cbb168f523). Its free to signup and it is advised to use your own login and API because too many API calls on the same login can create an undefined error

Add Facebook Like Box For Blogger

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

Facebook Like Button allows you to provide more Sharing Options to your Readers. Your readers can share your posts on Facebook using the Like Button. Have you added the Like button and still not getting any “Likes”? :(. Ok then we will present the Like button in a much better and elegant way.

Here is a Screenshot of the Facebook Like Box. Isn’t it lovely and more “Likable” than the default Like Button?
The  Facebook Like box also includes a link to  your Facebook Fan Page. This FB Like Box was Designed Styled and coded by Mia of Dezign Matterz .  Thanks to her for designing and styling  this awesome Like Box.

How to install the Facebook Like Box?

1. First Fill in the following Details (Code will be updated with these details)
Width of the Like Box                     (Enter the appropriate width of the FB like box) Facebook Fan Page / Profile URL
2. Now Login to your Blogger Account and navigate to Design > Edit HTML and check the option which says “Expand Widget Templates” 3. Look for  ]]></b:skin> in your template and just above that place the following code (You can use Ctrl +F to find the code).
.fb_like_box {
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px;
border:3px solid #2B2B2B;
padding:10px 7px;
.fb_like_top {
padding:0;margin:0 0 5px;
background:url("") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
.fb_like_button_holder {
-moz-border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px;
background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
padding:12px 12px 0 12px;
4. Now Look for <data:post.body/> in your template and just below that add the following code. 
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='fb_like_box'>
<div class='fb_like_top'></div>
<div class='fb_like_button_holder'>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px;height:30px;'/>
  5. Now Save your template and you will see a Facebook Like Box on your post pages.

Download : FunkyZine Magazine Style (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno Selasa, 09 November 2010 0 komentar
FunkyZine is a magazine style with stylish background,3 column, widget ready Blogger Template.

This was originally a WordPress theme designed by ChiQ of and converted to Blogger by

Live Demo : Click Here


Download : Celebrity (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar
This template is ideal for celebrity style of blogs. In the rar package are the original header and footer psd files allowing you further individual styling.

To edit blog description find “my blog description” inside edit html mode and change to your blog description.

To edit the navigation find “Navigation” and edit the links on the next few lines.

Live Demo : Click Here


Download : Blogger Notes (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar
Bloggger Notes is a uniquely designed two columns WordPress theme that comes with a valid CSS and XHTML. Inspired by the latest hand-drawn and vintage look design trends, this free theme is designed by Padd IT Solutions and was converted to Blogger by ThemeLib.

Main features

* Two columns with left sidebar
* Hand-drawn design
* Built-in RSS feed
* Built-in search box
* Nice navigation tab
* Google Adsense ready (468×60 banner)

Live Demo : Click Here


10 Steps To Drive Traffic to Your Blog From LinkedIn

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar
Whether you just created your first blog, or you are considered one of the top bloggers in the world like Darren Rowse, Chris Brogan, or Tim Ferriss, you are always looking for ways to generate more traffic to your site.  Even more so, you are looking for qualified traffic to your site, (i.e people who are interested in the content you produce).

LinkedIn is a great way to generate free, organic, traffic to your blog.
“But Lewis, isn’t LinkedIn just a site to post my resume when I am looking for a job?”
No, wake up people!  Although LinkedIn has been great for job seekers during the most recent economic cycle, it is much much more than that.  Individuals and companies are achieving more professional goals than imaginable on LinkedIn.  For example, LinkedIn can help you:
  • Sell products
  • Find new clients or employees
  • Generate leads
  • Receive funding for your company
  • Obtain sponsorships
  • Sell hundreds of tickets to your professional event
  • Get national and local press coverage
  • And last but not least, drive massive traffic to your blog
Achieving these goals on LinkedIn don’t come naturally.  You’ve gotta work the system on LinkedIn and experiment with different methods.  I’ve come up with the best ways to achieve those goals.  Here are my top 10 ways to drive traffic to your blog using LinkedIn:

1.  Complete Your Profile:

Numerous individuals have told me LinkedIn doesn’t work for them. I always ask them how much time they have put into using LinkedIn, their response – very little.  If your profile is weak people will lose interest quickly and may never click on your website links.
If you want people to read your profile and click on your websites then make your profile concise, compelling and value driven throughout.  Complete your profile 100%, add a great picture of yourself, and take the entire process very seriously.  The more complete and compelling your profile is, the more people will read and visit links you have posted.
This advice goes beyond driving traffic to your blog.  If someone were to Google your name (which most people do when they are researching you) your LinkedIn profile is one of the first things that pop up.  Personally, my LinkedIn profile is the third result, and for Darren Rowse it comes up seventh (before Facebook or Twitter).  Google your own name and check out what position your LinkedIn profile shows up.  You must make your profile compelling.

2.  Increase Your Connections:

The more connections you have, the more people will have access to your profile.  Every time you take an action on LinkedIn (i.e. update your profile, join a group, recommend someone, RSVP to an event, etc… this shows up on the home page of your 1st degree connections).  If you only have 100 connections, this limits the amount of potential clicks on your profile and website links per day. Constantly be updating and adding new connections.
add connections

3.  Customize Your Website Links:

When you first create your profile your website links will look like this:
blog links
However this is not a “call to action” and you are missing potential traffic because of it.  No one actually cares what your blog is unless it is relevant to them or solves a problem.  Instead, customize your website links to attract more clicks and drive more traffic to your blog.  If I were Darren, I would insert this:
LinkedIn blog
The second image is more compelling and explains exactly what the viewer will see on the next page when they click on each link.  In order to change your websites with a custom headline, click on the “edit” button next to one of the websites. View the image below for further details:

4.  Answer Questions:

This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog.  The more questions you answer, the better the chances are of that person asking the question to click on your blog to learn more about you. Not only will that one person be more interested in learning more about you, but also others answering that question.  Additionally, when someone rates your answer as “The Best” of the mix, it will improve your thought  leadership status. It moves you up the rankings as a “featured expert” in the category you answered in.  When you are a featured expert people become more aware of your profile, and the chance they will click on your link to learn more about what you have to offer improves.

5.  Update Status:

For you Twitter lovers out there, this should be an easy step to take.  LinkedIn also has a status update feature that is a lot like Twitter, only it gives you 148 characters to work with instead of 140. Why is it so important to constantly update your status?  Because it is the first thing that pops up the home profile for all of your connections.  Check out your home page on LinkedIn and you will see a few status updates of those your are connected to.  If they are smart, they will include some compelling copy with a call to action and a link back to their blog (something I do that drives traffic to mine).
status update

6.  Join Niche Groups:

Whatever your blog is about, there is an audience of people on LinkedIn that share interest with.  To make it easy to find these people click on the “Group Search” tab and type in some key words that relate to your blog.  I have a sports industry blog that focuses mostly on social media with an audience of professionals who work in the sports.  I joined all of the professional sports groups I could find:
sports groups
Some of these niche groups have thousands of members who are actively involved in connect with other members.  If you are not in the groups where your audience for your blog is hanging out, then you are missing out on the opportunity for new readers, and organic traffic to your site.  Join as many groups as you can after doing a key word search that relates to your blog.
For starters – check out the Professional Bloggers Group.

7.  Post Comments In Groups:

Some larger groups are receiving hundreds of new discussion topics every few days (think of it as a forum).  People are sharing points of discussion, commenting and giving further feedback and suggestions on those comments.  Every time someone creates a new discussion topic, it shows up on the home profile of everyone in that group.  If there are 100,000 people in the group, then you are potentially getting the attention of 100,000 other individuals for your comment.
music group

8.  Add RSS Feed to Groups:

Each group has a section that allows you to add a link to a website with the latest news you think is relevant to that group.  It also allows you to add your own RSS feed or website link so it will automatically update the group every time you post a new article on your blog.  This creates an automated flow of organic traffic that will show up on the home profile of everyone connected in the group.  Again, this gives you more opportunities for people to view your blog.

9.  Create a Group:

This may be one of the most powerful things you can do on LinkedIn.  I won’t go into all of the amazing details on how this has helped me, but I will tell you that owning a group drives a lot of traffic to your site. I own several niche related groups on LinkedIn.  For example, I created the Sports Industry Network group on LinkedIn and there are currently over 19,500 members.  When a new person joins the group, they see a brief description of the group, my name as the owner of the group, plus my website url  Since my group gets over 100 new members each week, that’s additional traffic from new members alone. That’s not even including the close to 20,000 members who are actively engaging in the group, and clicking on my blog links.

10.  Add the Blog Application to Your Profile:

This might be the most obvious suggestion, but I still see some of the top pro bloggers leaving this feature out.  This application posts the title and first paragraph for your most recent articles you have published on your LinkedIn profile.  It is a way to give viewers of your profile a sneak peak of what they will read on your blog.
Go to “applications” and download either the WordPress or Blog Link application and add your URL for your blog.
linkedin blog application
LinkedIn continues to be one of the top sites that drives traffic to my blog, thanks to these 10 examples, but the power of LinkedIn doesn’t stop here. What other tips have you found through using LinkedIn to increase traffic to your blog?

 This Article from :

Download : Exotic (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno Minggu, 07 November 2010 0 komentar

Exotic. Its  blue colored, three column template. The header is highly inspired from the Woork design. Before writing further about new design, lets have a look at the screenshot and demo.

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Features :

1. Three Column

2. Fast Loading Design : As this template does not uses any image except the logo and the blockquote image, this is main
reason why this template loads very fast

3. Built in search engine

4. Three column header to add Recent Comments, Recent Posts and Popular Posts

5. Special space to add your Top 15 categories

6. Neat and simple design

Instructions :

There are few instructions you should follow before usig this template.

How to upload Blogger templates :

1. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and go to Layout > Edit HTML
2. Ensure you back up your old template in case you decide to use it again. To do this, click on the "download full template" link and save the file to your hard drive.
3. Look for the section near the top where you can browse for your XML template:
4. Enter the location of your template and press "upload".
5. The HTML of your new template will now appear in the box below. You can preview your template or simply save to start using it!
6. Enjoy!

After uploading this template to your blogger account,
you can use the following codes to add Recent Post and Recent Comments.

How to add recent comments :

Click on Add Page Element and select Feed option, and enter the following link :

How to add recent posts :

Click on Add Page Element and select Feed option, and enter the following link :

How to add Popular posts :

You can manually add popular posts, by clicking on Add Page Element and selecting HTML/Javascript, in it you can use following code
to display your popular post.

<li><a href="Your Post Link Here"> Your Post Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href="Your Post Link Here"> Your Post Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href="Your Post Link Here"> Your Post Title Here</a></li>
<li><a href="Your Post Link Here"> Your Post Title Here</a></li>

How to change the logo :

Simply search for and replace this link to your logo image link. Simple !
If you want to edit the default logo, you can use the the PSD file in the Logo folder. I have used Gram fonts for the logo, you can get it from Fonts folder.

Download : Westen (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

Westen is a beautiful and free WordPress theme that has been converted to Blogger. Compatible with latest WordPress versions, this two column theme features 125 x 125 banners, featured content, Gravatar on Comments, Twitter and Social Widgets, Sidebar Ads and Banners and also included is the Logo .PSD File.

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Download : Anime Zone (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

Anime Zone Theme is a quality Blogger template that is converted from WordPress with great effort. Features include social book marking button, ad banner, thumbnail posting, navigation bar two on top and one on bottom, subscription box, Social widget and Sexy Bookmark Widgets, Youtube video, ready for Google Analytics, Adsense and Webmaster Tools.

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Every Bloggers Need Google Analytics

Posted by tris tecno Sabtu, 06 November 2010 0 komentar
Want to know where your visitors come from? What keywords they use on google to get to your site? What browser or screen resolution they have? Where in the world are they located?.

Easy, just go ahead and sign up to Google Analytics and start collecting stats. It provides a lot more stats than the Google Webmaster Tools we profiled in an earlier post. it is complete with a lot of reports and charts easy enough to comprehend for the newbie, but powerful enough for the Power User.

For now I'll just advise you to go ahead and sign up, in the future we will be doing a full review of the site and all of the reports that you have at your disposal.

Download : Zinmag Tribune (Blogger Template)

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar
After the dark professional Zinmag Remedy template, Zinmag Tribune Blogger template is a white professional magazine style template which has unique feature installed like featured content scroller and graphical featured-content glider.

Live Demo : Click Here

Download :

Template name: Zinmag Tribune
Template Author: Jinsona Design
Template Converter: Falcon Hive
Compatible BSP: Blogger
Best Viewed Browser: Internet Explorer 8, Firefox RC3, Opera 9.6, Google Chrome
Column: 4
Feature (9): White professional magazine style design, double header navigation bar, featured content scroller, featured content glider, featured-video section, 4 ads space, Javascript-based tabber, 3 footer gadget section, footer navigation bar
Set up the First Header Navigation Bar
You can customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
<li><a href=’YOUR-LINK-HERE’ title=’YOUR-LINK-TITLE’>YOUR-LINK-TITLE</a></li>
Set up the Subscription Section on the top of the blog
You can personalize the Subscription section to your own personal news, comments and email RSS. To get this done, access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
If you are using the Feedburner, the RSS email subscription link should look like this:;loc=en_US
Set up the Second Header Navigation Bar
You can use exactly the same way to customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
<li><a href=’YOUR-LINK-HERE’ title=’YOUR-LINK-TITLE’>YOUR-LINK-TITLE</a></li>
Set up the Featured Content Scroller on the top of the main page
You can see this template got a scroller of featured post image and description on the top of the page, which can only be configured through ‘Edit HTML’ section.
To setup the featured content scroller, simply access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, check the ‘Expand Widget Templates’, then press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
<a href=’POST-LINK-HERE’ title=’LINK-TITLE-HERE’><img src=’IMAGE-LINK-HERE’width=’60′ height=’40′ alt=”/></a> <div class=’fmeta’>POST-DESCRIPTION-HERE</div>
Set up the Featured Content Glider on the top of the main page
There’s also got a graphical Featured Content Glider with rich description under the featured content scroller, which you can only access into the space through the ‘Edit HTML’ section..
To setup the featured content glider, simply access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, check the ‘Expand Widget Templates’, then press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
<h2><a href=’POST-LINK-HERE’ title=’LINK-TITLE-HERE’>POST-TITLE-HERE</a></h2>
<a href=’POST-LINK-HERE’ title=’LINK-TITLE-HERE’><img src=’IMAGE-LINK-HERE’ width=’650′ height=’250′ alt=’IMAGE-TITLE-HERE’/></a>
Set up the Minipost Section under the Featured Content Glider
There’s actually got minipost section installed under the Featured Content Glider, which you can only access into the section through the ‘Edit HTML’ section..
To setup the featured content on the sidebar, simply copy the code below, then access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Page Element’, clicks on the ‘Edit’ of the ‘featured-content2′, paste and edit the code with corresponding item.
<div class=’hentry’>
<h2><a href=’POST-LINK-HERE’ title=’LINK-TITLE-HERE’>POST-TITLE-HERE</a></h2>
<div class=’categ’>POST-CATEGORY-HERE</div>
<div class=’minicontent’>
<img src=’IMAGE-LINK-HERE’ width=’120′ height=’80′ alt=” />
<div class=’minimeta’>POST-DATE-HERE I <a href=’POST-LINK-HERE’>Read the full story</a></div>
How to hide article’s content on the main page
As this template got ‘Read More’ function, you probably want to hide some text from being displayed on the main page. In fact, you just need some extremely easy step to achieve this. Simply copy the highlighted code below, then access into ‘Settings’ and under the ‘Formatting’ tab, paste the code into the ‘Post Template’.
<span class=”fullpost”></span>
On the next time you write an article, you just need to add this line of code to hide the text. For example,
After the Zinmag Remedy template, Zinmag Tribune Blogger template is a white professional magazine style template authored by Jinsona Design<span class=”fullpost”>This template has rich feature like featured content scroller and featured content glider</span>
Then the main page would show only the ‘After the Zinmag Remedy template, Zinmag Tribune Blogger template is a white professional magazine style template authored by Jinsona Design’, while the other text is hid and only can be seen through ‘Read More’ click.
Set up the Featured Video Section on the top of the sidebar
There’s a video section on the top of the sidebar, and you can put favorite Youtube video inside the section by just few simple steps.
To setup your favorite Youtube video, just copy the video’s embed code link, then access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Page Element’, clicks on the ‘Edit’ of the ‘featured-video’, paste the code then ‘Save’ to show the video!
Your Youtube video’s embed code link is located below the profile of the video uploader, and you can adjust the <embed>’s width and height inside the code to fix the section size. The recommended size for this featured video section is 310 width and 255 height.

Set up the JavaScript-based Tabber on the sidebar

You can probably notice that there’s got a dynamic tabber with 3 gadget inside on the sidebar. By clicking the ‘Popular’, you can actually set up the ‘Popular’ part of the tabber with any gadget, same as clicking ‘Archive’ and ‘Recent’, which directs you to the setting of second and third part of the tabber.
To setup the Popular (post) section, you can simply copy the code below then access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Page Element’ tab, add a HTML/JavaScript gadget into the ‘Popular’ section then paste the code inside the gadget and edit it with corresponding item.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function pipeCallback(obj) {
document.write(‘<ul style=”text-transform: capitalize;”>’);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < obj.count ; i++)
var href = “‘” + obj.value.items[i].link + “‘”;
var item = “<li>” + “<a href=” + href + “>” + obj.value.items[i].title + “</a> </li>”;
<script src=”
a7d3195528df5e96181a3d2712266226&url=http%3A%2F%2FYOUR_BLOG_ADDRESS_HERE_WITHOUT_http://&num=10″ type=”text/javascript”></script>
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><span style=”font-size: xx-small;”>Popular Posts Widget</span></a>
For the ‘Archive’ section, you can just install Archive gadget inside the section, with the ‘flat list’ as recommended option. As for the ‘Recent’ section, you can put your Feed gadget together with your blog’s feed into the section.
Set up the Ads Space on the sidebar
Zinmag Tribune got an ads space on the sidebar, and you can setup the ads space through the ‘Edit HTML’ section. To achieve this, simply access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
<li><a href=’ADS-LINK-HERE’ rel=’bookmark’ title=’ADS-TITLE-HERE’><img src=’ADS-IMAGE-HERE’ alt=’IMAGE-TITLE-HERE’/></a></li>
Set up the Footer Navigation Bar
Same with the header navigation bar, you can customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into ‘Layout’ and under the ‘Edit HTML’ tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item.
<li><a href=’YOUR-LINK-HERE’ title=’YOUR-LINK-TITLE’>YOUR-LINK-TITLE</a></li>
As we remind to keep the footer link intact, we allow our user donate us to remove our footer link with minimum price $5, with the reminder that you cannot distribute the template without our footer link. Once we agreed and received the payment, you can enjoy the template without Hive’s footer link!
Zinmag Tribune template (Blogger) comes under a Creative Common License. This means it is free to use on your blog as long as the credit link in the footer is kept intact. Jinsona Design has really put so much effort on designing this template, so if possible you can pay a visit to the site and leave a thankful comment!
Take our RSS to grab the latest Blogger template
You are deserved to be the fastest being to get our latest Blogger template. Just simply click on this cute green ‘RSS’ word or subscribe it by email then you are ready to grab our Blogger template.

How To Remove The Navbar From Blogger ??

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

If you've decided that you definitely want to remove your blogger navbar, it's actually a very simple process that any non-technically-inclined person can accomplish with ease. Just follow these steps:

1. Login to your blogger dashboard.
2. Click "Design"
3. Click "Edit HTML"

4. Find the BLUE code you see in the image to your right. The code will be quite near the top of your HTML section, you shouldn't have to scroll very far at all. The blue code should definitely be there, but the data box you see may not be, depending on where your template came from.
5. ADD the code you see in red precisely where you it see it in the image to your right. If you want to copy and paste it, do so from the bold text you see below:
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
Preview It First!

Use your preview button before you click save! If you like what you see, go ahead and save.

What happens if I want the navbar back in the future?
Simply go back into your HTML the same way and delete the part you just added. It's really that simple!

How to Change the Favicon in Blogger ??

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar

every blog in Blogger with the standard orange "B" blogger favicon. Having your own unique favicon is a great way to give your blogger template both a distinct and explicit brand. These small 16X16 pixel images will most definitely help your blog stand out from the rest of the blogspot blogs.

What is a Favicon?
A favicon is a small 16X16 image located at the top of your browser in the url bar.

How to Change your Favicon
  1. First go to Layout >Edit HTML in your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Backup your existing template before making any changes!
  3. Place the code below directly below the </head> tag in your template.
  4. <link href='' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/' /> <link href='' rel='icon'/>
  5. Now save your template.
  6. Once your template is saved view your blog and make sure to refresh the page and delete your cookies.
Creating your own Favicon
  1. Replace the image URL (2X) with your own 16 pixel by 16 pixel image hosted on the internet.
  1. You can host your own favicon blogger image at sites such as ImageShack; PhotoBucket; Flickr; Fileden ; etc.
  2. Check out this Favicon Generator Tool which allows you to upload an image and it will format it for you!

Change the Title Tags in Blogger for More Search Engine Traffic

Posted by tris tecno 0 komentar
By default Blogger displays the blog title first, followed by the name of the post. As you might notice this is not good when it comes to SEO. It's important for the name of the post to come before the name of your blog, especially when it comes to google search results. Learn how to make your post title show up first so that you can reel in more traffic from the search engines.

Why Change the Titles?
It's quite important to have the Post Title + Blog Title arranged accordingly because this is how you would want your blog to be displayed on google's search results. This way more people will click on your link when searching google because the post title is more relevant than your post name.
Example Google Search Results:
You are most likely to click on the bottom image when searching google for the keywords "image reflection generator". The reason being is that your mind reads text from left to right. So it makes sense to have the more important title on the left.

How to Change the Titles:
  1. Go to Layout>edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Search for this tag: <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
  3. Replace this tag with the following code:
  4. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> </b:if>
  5. Save your template and you should see the results in your web browser as depicted in the images below.
  6. It may take a few days for the changes to show up on the google search results. I guarantee you that you will start receiving more traffic from google once you are re-indexed!

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